my education & career: a brief history

1989: born in a suburb in SW (Greater) London

2005: sensitive, academic kid. I loved to learn, and I loved the kudos that came from earning top grades from the 2+ hours I diligently spent each night on homework from a young age.

2006-07: applying to university, having chosen Math(s), Biology & Chemistry for my A-Levels. Fed up of studying, subjects I found dull, and confused about what I wanted to do with my life

2008: dropped out of university

2010: dropped out of university – again
fell into financial services recruitment

2015: quit my City job to study a Masters in Psychology (see below)
did a course with Escape the Cityq

2016: ran a pilot for a new education programme / alternative to university (Thriva Programme); went to World Domination Summit

Late 2016: Masters and Education programme came to an end, felt like a huge failure and had zero idea what to do with my life. Isolated myself, mood worsened, mental state slowly plummeted; diagnosed with depression and anxiety

2017-early 2018: took time out for therapy, self-care and some travel

May 2018 – Apr 2019: did a remote sales job for a friend’s mortgage business
Increasingly knew that I wanted to do my own thing again, but this time not take over the world, and just be a solopreneur/freelancer sustaining myself.

March 2019: a week-long trip to Slovenia gave me the clarity I needed to say I wanted to take the plunge and start freelancing as a content writer.

April 2019: turned down part-time work with the mortgages company to give this freelance thing a go.

May 2019: spent my first proper month (Slovenia didn’t really count) as a ‘digital nomad’, working from a co-living space in Tenerife.

June 2019: turned 30, focused on building my freelance writing business, started the INF club, my 4th blog for introverts (previous: A Happier Introvert, The Quarter Life Introvert, IntrovertJedi)

August 2019: deciding that freelance writing wasn't for me. Wanting to do a content/marketing-type role for a company. (With some specific criteria)



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